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UPDATE 8/20/2024 : Hello! i will post updates and other things im up to here!

10/6/2024 : Hello! ive been busy and have not been able to update this site (sorry) i will be (hopefuly) posting more! as of today and forever, i will not be posting AI related content or generated images, im against the fact that ai is stealing work and taking jobs. ALSO ive been focusing more on privacy so ive been doing things like, no more smart home stuff ( alexa aka wiretap, lights, plugs,etc) my phone is now only apps i 100% need like banking and firefox, all social media is viewed at home on my computer, switching to signal for chatting with friends (only got one to switch so far, i have other sheep to HOPEFULLY get to switch) and the biggest change is SWITCHING TO ARCH (btw) i have been using linux sense july 2024 and i havent looked back! i still use a mac sometimes (i love apple duh) but my important stuff and my main computers run arch...I PROMISE I WILL POST MORE!
UPDATE 2! 10/6/2024, my "crumble cookie theory"
i have come up with a theory which i am calling "the crumble cookie theory" so to understand, crumble cookie is an over priced, high in calorie cookie place that the sheep of modern society consume becasue Social media says to, so if you consoom crumble cookie, your a sheep because who the fuck pays $6 for one cookie?! ohhh some popular tiktok loser says to eat it, so i must eat it too (bahhhh!) what i am saying is if you do something because social media says to, your a sheep and are part of the problem. FUCK crumble cookie AND its consumers. BE YOURSELF,JUST BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA SAYS TO SO SHIT DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CONFORM AND DO IT TOO!! dont be scared to do social experiments, i litterly wore a tail for a month to see if people cared (they didnt, other than one loser who said "fucking furry" under his breath)